The Ayanavaram Tea Company This is the story of tea Made by a girl you see For a guy who didn't like it very much But the tea itself was pretty good as such. Now this guy didn't like tea at all But what could he do, to his appall This girl didn't have a coffee stall But sooner or later, for her tea he'd fall Chai tea means tea twice In the land of masala and spice So just say Chai and you'll be fine And teach the Starbucks staff to get in line Now back to our main story Of blood and guts and glory Oops sorry, that's another one I've probably had too much Lipton The girl was in her house many miles away The guy was in his, on the bay Thank God for cellular phones you might say Rollover minutes every month? Hell No way! Their first flirtatious chat some five years back Was about the different kinds of tea and snack they would serve at their wedding reception If they would ever get there in their wil...
*Parallel-parked in an antiparallel universe*